All the Dangerous Things Review
Title - All The Dangerous Things Author - Stacy Willingham ________________________________________________________________ spice 🌶 - 0 scare 😱 - 1 plot 📖 - 3 characters 🧍- 3 stars ⭐ - 3.5 The truth is, people love violence—from a distance, that is. Anyone who disagrees is either in denial or hiding something Messy but dry is how I would best describe All the Dangerous Things . The plot consistently moves forward, but it wasn't until the last quarter of the book that I had those "oh my god what just happened" moments. Willingham set everything up to be knocked down, but reading over 200 pages of set-up work is slow going. The last quarter of the book did start spiraling and didn't stop even through the epilogue. *spoiler* On the other hand, *spoiler* The "then" chapters were... interesting. Isabelle was around age eight and her sister was around age eight. However, Isabelle is written like she is conside...