Remarkably Bright Creatures Review

Title - Remarkably Bright Creatures

Author - Shelby Van Pelt


spice 🌶 - 1

scare 😱 - 0

plot 📖 - 5

characters 🧍- 4

stars ⭐ - 5

“Expect the unexpected, dear.”

I would have been okay if this book never ended and I was stuck in the town of Sowell Bay forever. Remarkably Bright Creatures is by far the best debut novel I have read so far! I had apprehensions about the elusion to Marcellus's "communicating" with Tova in the synopsis. However, once I began reading, I quickly realized the friendship between Marcellus and Tova would be one of the most heartwarming things I had read thus far. I appreciate Van Pelt not making every character overly likable and the plot was not "wrapped up with a bow". It added an extra dimension to the book that I think the majority of books in this category are missing.

The different cultures brought into this little coastal Washington town were amazing as well. I also think I learned enough about octopuses to last me a lifetime. I am not quite sure how Van Pelt managed to stuff Remabkably Bright Creatures with so much drama, facts, POVs, and surprises, but it is a feat that few authors can accomplish. I will impatiently be waiting for her next book... *fingers and toes crossed*


"What would a captive cephalopod know of joy?"

Marcellus's POV will forever change how I view octopuses in aquariums. Terry was a good guy, he cared about the sealife at the aquarium. However, the activities and enclosure Marcellus was given provided far less enrichment than what he needed. Octopi are too remarkably bright of creatures to be kept in tanks.

❤ Les

View my review on Goodreads here.

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