2024 Kindle TBR (condensed version)


As you can see in the picture above - I have a lot of Kindle reading to do in 2024. To make it even worse, I actually have double the amount of unread books on my Kindle. On Stuff Your Kindle Day I, well, stuffed the living hell out of my poor Kindle. This event happens like three times a year, for the rest of you that do this, how do you keep up - I have questions! 

Back to the point - I picked out sixteen Kindle books from my never-ending unread Kindle section and made them THE official Kindle TBR. Some are from the Stuff Your Kindle Day (I promise only to mention that event seventy-four more times in this post), some are from Libby (if you don't know what Libby is please ask me, it is a FANTASTIC resource for readers), others are from Goodreads giveaways, and the rest I actually bought... all two of them. Below I will list each book and let you know why I picked it for the 2024 TBR. We're going to be here for a while, so might as well get started! 

#1 The Invisible Hour - Alice Hoffman 

The Invisible Hour was a 2023 Goodreads Choice Award nominee for fiction that I've had on my TBR far before it was even released. I entered Goodreads giveaway after giveaway trying to win this book and failed miserably. Then, by a stroke of luck, Libby acquired copies and I got on the waitlist immediately. Why was I so gun-ho to get this book one may ask...

Is it my go-to genre? No.

Am I a big fan of the author? No. (not yet at least)

Is it literally because I think the cover is pretty and the synopsis sounds rolling on acid crazy? Yes. 

Because of those two facts this book I am sure will be one of my first reads of 2024. 

#2 End of Day - Jewel Ann

This book was "purchased" in the frenzy of Stuff Your Kindle Day, and as most of the books I acquired on that day, I picked them just because the cover was pretty. End of Day is no exception. I did not know this book was over four hundred pages long and the first in a series... yay another series for me to start. *facepalm* However I am impressed for picking a book that has over nine thousand reviews on Goodreads and averages 4.22 stars! It is also a dark romance, and I have been afraid to jump into that genre. Mostly because it scares the shit out of me. Am I gonna become one of those BookTok girlies who literally can only read and talk about smut? Only one way to find out... wish me luck. 

#3 After the Fire - Maria Rigou

Why do I keep thinking this book is a mystery? It could possibly be because the first sentence of the synopsis is straight out of Pretty Little Liars. Regardless of that, this book is a romanceeeeee. I won this book in a Goodreads giveaway and it has been sitting in my Kindle library for way too long. I did enter the giveaway with the expectation of it being a mystery/thriller so I think that is the main reason I have not read it yet. 

The synopsis does pull you in several different directions so I am honestly not sure what to expect out of After the Fire. I do know one thing about books though, they can surprise you just like that ugly dress you saw on the hanger at Macy's that is now one of your prized possessions because of the way it hugs your butt. 

#4 Southern Style - David Edward

Another series, are you serious? Why am I like this? I am making this vow now - other than the series books I own I AM NOT STARTING ANOTHER GODDAMN SERIES. I am currently into seven series. How many of those have I read past the first book? ONE and that one is part of a fouteen (and ongoing) book multiverse. Anywaysssss I won Southern Style in a Goodreads giveaway and just like After the Fire it has been sitting untouched in my library for way too long simply because starting another series gives me anxiety. 

The whole mole infiltrates a mob aspect of the book is not really up my alley, but mystery/thrillers are my go-to genre so I'll give it a shot. I perused David Edwards's bio and it gave me a lot more faith in the book. With his life experiences, I think this book will be more than well-researched and feel like the real thing. 

#5 Lessons in Chemistry - Bonnie Garmus

I have seen Lessons in Chemistry EVERYWHERE in the last year. Naturally, I am behind the times and am getting to it two years late. Lessons in Chemistry has won award after award and by the reviews, I have no doubt it deserves every last one. It seems to have everything humor, feminism, STEM, possibly a little romance, and a historical aspect that is endearing. I haven't had anyone I know read this book and not like it. I am sure this book will be towards the beginning of my 2024 reading journey. 

#6 Unconditional: a love story - Shon

I had to include a solo photo of this cover because do you see that?? Do you see that BEAUTY?! Literal chef's kiss. Then the story sounds just as amazing. Have you had a summer fling? I have. Don't do it. 
Regardless of my feelings toward those time-bomb relationships, this plot sounds intriguing. It might just change my mind about summer flings. 

#7 Beneath the Sand - Katherine Bichler

Beneath the Sand sounds absolutely riveting! Historical fiction is far from my favorite genre, but this book sounds like such a good read. My main worry about this book is that there are three characters highlighted and the book is less than three hundred pages. That is possibly a lot of information to put into this book depending on where Bichler goes with the plot. I am trying to keep an open mind going into this. 

#8 Tinderbox - Rachel Grant

Apparently, I never learn, cause this is the first of the series. Don't worry I have put myself on an indefinite new series ban until final notice. Do I have the self-restraint to follow that ban? Absolutely not. Tinderbox is the result of smashing my boyfriend and I's book taste together into one. He is a big fan of anything military, spy, political, or thriller. I stay more on the mystery/thriller romance side. If I like this book the chances of me getting him to read it are slim to none, but a girl can dream. I feel confident with the romance aspect being brought into this book I will enjoy it. 

#9 A Book of Cold Cases - Simone St James

This book man... I have sworn A Book of Cold Cases will be my next read countless times over the last year. Then something happens. Was it

A. a friend just bought a book she's dying to read with you.
B. you 100% forgot and started another book.
C. your hold lapsed on Libby and now you have to wait another month.
D. you fixated on a new book and put it in front of all the poor books waiting to be read. 

The correct answer is all of them on a rotating basis while you slowly go mad. The book itself sounds dope as hell. It sounds creepy, spooky, and thrilling. I WILL read this book in 2024, hopefully towards the beginning. 

#10 The Quarry Girls - Jess Lourey

This book, just like A Book of Cold Cases has been on my radar since I started reading again. However, this one is different cause I haven't been playing book tag with it for a year. I will probably end up reading The Quarry Girls in the summer so it fits the vibeeee. I did actually buy this book, it's ok you can be shocked. What made me want this book so badly is that the synopsis seems one hundred percent up my alley. There isn't a detail of it that makes me go "I don't know about that". Which is shocking considering I'm a picky bitch with books. It will be a great mystery book to level out all of the summer romance books I'm sure I'll be reading!

#11 In the Likely Event - Rebecca Yarros

Yes, it is that Rececca Yarros. No, I haven't read Fourth Wing. Now that we got that over with. I bought this book because I had Kindle credits that were about to expire and I can't wait to read it soon. The whole premise of the book sounds like crack on a stick. I am a huge sucker for people who have a spark and then are separated for a time to then come back into each other's lives. Just writing about this book makes me want to crack it open. I have been wanting to keep this book for when I travel the next time, partially because it has a plane on the cover and I'm basic but mostly because I fell in love with this book when I was in a bookstore in the Seattle airport on a six-hour layover. With no vacations in sight though I doubt that this book will make it that far. 

#12 War Bunny - Christopher St. John

Well, War Bunny sounds like a crazy ride. Here's why I think that without even cracking the cover:
1. It's told from the POV of a bunny
2. All bunny no human
3. Not only is it a talking bunny, but a self-aware one as well
4. He has other talking animal friends
I'm sure I will find a thousand more reasons why this book is crazy while reading it. Good thing crazy books are the ones I usually can't put down. 

#13 The Sound of the Bees - Eileen Garvin

First off, this book involves bees. I love bees. I love how they are intertwined with history as far back as ancient Egypt, the way they communicate with each other, and the fascinating honey-making process. I read Mad Honey earlier this year and while it was not one of my top reads of the year, it had so many fascinating facts about bees that I'm hoping The Sound of the Bees will have as well. This book seems to have a quality of personal growth and togetherness that I think will make this book a great summer read! 

#14 Lotus - Jennifer Hartmann

I have heard about this book up and down BookTok. It sounds sweet and romantic with a touch of thrill but I have a feeling it's going to be smutty as hell. This will be my first Jennifer Hartmann book, but it looks like everything she writes is a winner so I'm hoping to read more from her after Lotus

#15 The Storyteller - Jodi Picoult

As I mentioned a few books earlier I read Mad Honey by Jodi Picoult in 2023, you can see the review further down on this blog! I am excited because while the other book I read was not my favorite I have heard from many Jodi Picoult readers that Mad Honey was not like the rest of her books. The Storyteller seems so sweet, but I have a feeling it has a thrilling underbelly that will keep me in the book. I am hoping The Storyteller is a real winner for me from Jodi Picoult. 

#16 Remarkably Bright Creatures - Shelby Van Pelt

On one hand, this book sounds so heartwarming and awesome. On the other, it seems a little out there for me. I've been wanting to read this book for the past year, and I think the magic realism aspect with the octopus is why I haven't yet. When I first started reading again I was so afraid of falling into a reading slump (the last one was almost ten years long) that I refused to read anything that wasn't right up my alley. Now, I think I am more confident to leave my comfort zone with books like this one. With the abundance of fabulous reviews, I am sure I will love this book but I hope it lives up to the hype. 

So, that's that. These books are all over the place, but that's what keeps me reading. I am SUCH a mood reader. When I read too many similar books in a row I start to get bored. If you are having the same issue, I recommend switching it up. Don't go too far out of your comfort zone, that could have the opposite effect and put you in a reading slump because you hate the book. If you love mysteries or thrillers with a romance aspect, maybe try picking up a romance book. If you love romance books with some actual factual information in them try a sci-fi book. 
I'm pretty sure I completely set myself up for failure here. These book in addition to themed books I like to read (books based in the summer, spooky books at Halloween, and Christmas books) there is no way I can get through all of these and the books on my physical TBR. Don't worry, there's a post coming on that. I will try to get through as many of them as possible and make sure to stay tuned to read my reviews throughout the year!  
To keep up with what I am reading right now check out my Goodreads which is linked below. So that all of you can read any synopsis and get purchase information for the books above I will also be listing all of the Goodreads links to the books on my Kindle TBR. 

❤ Les

TBR Goodreads Links


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