
Showing posts from October, 2023

Spooky Readlist Wrap Up!

  Well, y'all I had quite the time going through my spooky readlist this year! I went from murders in the Byou, to snowed-in cabin murders, to men whispering into children's windows. It was a trip! Unfortunately, not all books were winners - so here is my official ranking of the 4 books I got to. Yes, only 4 - the 5th I did not get to was Simone St. James's The Book of Cold Cases . I was at the mercy of the public library and the timing to check out that book just did not work out. That and I read them out of turn on accident - oops! But more on that later, let's get to the ranking!  We're going from worst to best people - stick with me!  #4 - Notes on An Execution, Danya Kukafka ⭐⭐ One word - d.i.s.a.p.p.o.i.n.t.m.e.n.t... I was so excited to read this book that I actually read it second, instead of last. Mistake! This book took me so long to read that I'm pretty sure the only reason I didn't hit a mega-reading slump is that I knew I had other books to read...

Spooky Readlist #4 - The Whisper Man Review!

Title  - The Whisper Man Author  - Alex North  __________________________________________________________________________ spice 🌶 - 0 scare 😱 - 4 plot 📖 - 5 characters  🧍- 3 stars ⭐ - 4 What a perfect spooky read right before Halloween! Just the premise of this book sends chills running up your spine and North does a great job maintaining that throughout the book.  The different points of view really help give the reader a well-rounded experience of the events. Also, unlike most books with multiple POVs, the story doesn't get slow or repetitive because of it. BIG WIN!  This casual destruction was much like the increasing aggression the boy showed in school. It was an attempt to make an impact on a world that seemed so oblivious to his existence. It stemmed from a desire to be seen. To be noticed. To be loved.  The POVs themselves though, oh man - I didn't know if I'd be able to get through them at the beginning of the book. 3 of the POVs are sooooo...

Spooky Readlist #3 - Dead of Winter Review!

Title  - Dead of Winter Author  - Darcy Coates __________________________________________________________________________ spice 🌶 - 0 scare 😱 - 3.5 plot 📖 - 3 characters  🧍- 4 stars ⭐ - 3.5 This book throws you right in and there is no wind up to the action. You find yourself playing catch-up on who is who and what is happening. Regardless of this aspect, I did not feel a thrill until the last quarter of the book. Crazy things happen from start to finish, but you don't feel it. I didn't get immersed in the scene, which I personally find essential to a good thriller. Once the last quarter started I thought the book was going to turn around and possibly be one of my favorites of the year. All of the author's choices throughout the book were making sense. Then at the very end, it totally lost me. The ending was just a little too unbelievable for my taste.  ❤ Les View my review on Goodreads  here . ➳  Goodreads ➳  Instagram

Spooky Read List #2 - Notes on an Execution Review!

Title  - Notes on an Execution Author  - Danya Kukafka __________________________________________________________________________ spice 🌶 - 0 scare 😱 - 2 plot 📖 - 2 characters  🧍- 3 stars ⭐ - 2 Upon glancing at some reviews after finishing this book - it goes one of two ways. You LOVE it or you HATE it. I'm happy so many of you found a great read in this book, but I am with the latter. I did not like this book whatsoever regardless of how much I wanted to. This book was introduced to me by no other than the infamous BookTok. The little blurb the creator shared was intriguing and upon reading the synopsis I was hooked before even picking the book up. The first 50 pages flew and I had a feeling this was going to be my top book of the year. Then it crashed and burned. Once Hazel's POV got introduced the book really fell off for me. The middle and even end of this book just droned on. I had absolutely no want or need to pick this back up, other than needing to finish it b...