Spooky Readlist #3 - Dead of Winter Review!

Title - Dead of Winter

Author - Darcy Coates


spice 🌶 - 0

scare 😱 - 3.5

plot 📖 - 3

characters 🧍- 4

stars ⭐ - 3.5

This book throws you right in and there is no wind up to the action. You find yourself playing catch-up on who is who and what is happening. Regardless of this aspect, I did not feel a thrill until the last quarter of the book. Crazy things happen from start to finish, but you don't feel it. I didn't get immersed in the scene, which I personally find essential to a good thriller. Once the last quarter started I thought the book was going to turn around and possibly be one of my favorites of the year. All of the author's choices throughout the book were making sense. Then at the very end, it totally lost me. The ending was just a little too unbelievable for my taste. 

❤ Les

View my review on Goodreads here.

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