Spooky Readlist #4 - The Whisper Man Review!

Title - The Whisper Man

Author - Alex North 


spice ๐ŸŒถ - 0

scare ๐Ÿ˜ฑ - 4

plot ๐Ÿ“– - 5

characters ๐Ÿง- 3

stars ⭐ - 4

What a perfect spooky read right before Halloween! Just the premise of this book sends chills running up your spine and North does a great job maintaining that throughout the book. 
The different points of view really help give the reader a well-rounded experience of the events. Also, unlike most books with multiple POVs, the story doesn't get slow or repetitive because of it. BIG WIN! 

This casual destruction was much like the increasing aggression the boy showed in school. It was an attempt to make an impact on a world that seemed so oblivious to his existence. It stemmed from a desire to be seen. To be noticed. To be loved. 

The POVs themselves though, oh man - I didn't know if I'd be able to get through them at the beginning of the book. 3 of the POVs are sooooo depressing. They were depressing me more than the dead kids in this book, which is sort of a crazy sentence to even write. All of them are just so "woe is me", self-deprecating,  and repetitive. However, by the middle of the book that element has really calmed down. If you're feeling like me and wondering how the hell you're going to finish this book while maintaining your sanity - it does get better! 

Once you hit that halfway mark you cannot put it down. There are a few twists and turns in this book that made my jaw hit the floor. The best part is - it is BELIEVEABLE! I can see all of the events of this book actually happening. I mean is it unlikely, yes. Is it more believable than a lot of other mystery/thrillers I've read? Also yes. 

Whether it's spooky season or not, this book was a great read! 

❤ Les

View my review on Goodreads here.

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