Spooky Read List #2 - Notes on an Execution Review!

Title - Notes on an Execution

Author - Danya Kukafka


spice 🌶 - 0

scare 😱 - 2

plot 📖 - 2

characters 🧍- 3

stars ⭐ - 2

Upon glancing at some reviews after finishing this book - it goes one of two ways. You LOVE it or you HATE it. I'm happy so many of you found a great read in this book, but I am with the latter. I did not like this book whatsoever regardless of how much I wanted to.

This book was introduced to me by no other than the infamous BookTok. The little blurb the creator shared was intriguing and upon reading the synopsis I was hooked before even picking the book up. The first 50 pages flew and I had a feeling this was going to be my top book of the year. Then it crashed and burned. Once Hazel's POV got introduced the book really fell off for me. The middle and even end of this book just droned on. I had absolutely no want or need to pick this back up, other than needing to finish it before the library loan ran out. From the reviews, I see this book was supposed to have depth and be the most thought-provoking thing I've ever held in my hot little hands. It was far from it.

I don't think you're gonna sell people on being anti-death penalty by having the literal psycho as your spoke person.

Introducing the point that there are more POC in the prison system is far from groundbreaking, and anyone who feels the need to pick this book up is probably more than aware of our broken justice system. On the same un-groundbreaking note people not being totally bad or totally good and the idea of other life timelines based on decisions is like philosophy 101, is it not? And yes, I know there were multiple times that this point was perceived as very simplistic by others, but I think the author bringing it up so often just made it a major point that could have been skipped.

Saffy's whole plotline was the most predictable thing! There could have been so many more twists and turns with that POV and I really think some opportunities to actually engage the reader were missed. Honestly, all of the POVs (except for Ansel) went way too deep into things I could not give less of a flying f*ck about. The hour-long reading time for some chapters was excruciatingly long considering the content of those chapters.

It could be because my expectations were so high, but either way, this book fell FLAT. The whole premise of this book had so much promise and I really think it just missed the ball.

❤ Les

View my review on Goodreads here.

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