Mad Honey Review
Title - Mad Honey Author - Jodi Picoult & Jennifer Finney Boylan __________________________________________________________________________________ spice 🌶 - 2 (not a good kind) scare 😱 - 1.5 plot 📖 - 3 characters 🧍- 4 stars ⭐ - 3.5 This book is a hard one to rate. On one hand, I loved it and I think it'll stick with me for a while, which is uncommon for me. On the other, I got bored - SO BORED. This book grabbed my attention immediately and kind of gave me Where the Crawdads Sing vibes. A good fiction book with a side of knowledge is when I really fall head over heels for a book. It makes a book feel worth it when I feel like I learned something for my Tuesday night trivia. However, the similarities between Mad Honey & Where the Crawdads Sing ends there. The characters in this book have depth and you feel their emotions, especially Olivia & Lily since it is told through their points of view. I read this book with a ...