Spooky TBR

    Is it too early to start thinking about spooky season? Most definitely. Do I care? Not one bit. Halloween has been my favorite holiday since I was a kid. I love it because there are no expectations on what you're supposed to do, especially once you're an adult. Want to dress up? Cool. Want to throw a crazy party with all your friends? Fantastic. Want to stay curled up on the couch with candy and your fav spooky movie? Sweet. Want to do absolutely nothing? All good. Because this holiday is a favorite of mine I plan early, even my books.  I wanted to share with you all the books I am planning to read this fall! 

DISCLAIMER *these books are geared towards horror, mystery, and thriller readers. If you do not like all things spooky and scary, these might not be for you! And as always please check trigger warnings.*


#1 The Butcher and the Wren - Alaina Urquhart

    I am SO ready to finally read this book! I listen to Morbid every morning at work and have wanted to read this book since the day it came out. Somehow it keeps getting pushed out for other books, but I am determined to read it. 
    A serial killer in the New Orleans bayou sounds like the perfect way to start off the spooky season. The plot combined with Alaina's medical examiner experience has me anticipating this to be one of my favorite reads this year! 

Goodreads link here
Amazon link here

#2 Dead of Winter - Darcy Coates

    I know the thriller trope where everyone is snowed in is way overdone, but I still have yet to read a book with this trope! I thought about leaving this book till winter. To get the full snowy effect.     However, I am trying to get a well-rounded group of books here. Having the snowed-in thriller was a must! The reviews for this book just make me 10x more excited for this one! 

Goodreads link here
Amazon link here

 #3 The Book of Cold Cases - Simone St. James

I started my reading journey last year in the late summer. This was one of the first books that immediately grabbed my attention when I read the description. However, just like The Butcher and the Wren, it keeps getting sidelined. No longer!!! I will read this freakin book. 
An old murder case paired with some paranormal elements - what more could a girl want? I have heard so many GREAT things about other Simone St. James's books. So I am hoping to have this book be just the start of my love for her books!

Goodreads link here
Amazon link here 

#4 Notes on an Execution - Danya Kufafka

    This book being on the list is courtesy of BookTok. As I was scrolling on my FYP I got to a video about this book and immediately hopped over to Goodreads to research it more. I knew almost immediately this was going to be on my TBR sooner rather than later. 
    This book is about Ansel who is in his final hours on death row. Ever since watching Criminal Minds when I was 16, I have been obsessed with serial killers and true crime. I also LOVE books that are told through multiple POVs. This book seems like the perfect combination of everything I love and I could not be more excited to start. 

Goodreads link here
Amazon link here

#5 The Whisper Man - Alex North

    This book was recommended to me by a friend earlier this year and I knew I had to save it for spooky season. The synopsis of this book kind of freaks me out - which makes me a million times more excited to read it! If you say the thought of hearing a serial killer whispering to you through your window doesn't freak you out, you're lying. That paired with an average of 4 stars makes this a must-read for fall. 

Goodreads link here
Amazon link here


    These two books are ones I am going to try my best to get to but may have to be waitlisted until next year. With two vacations in September/October and book club, my reading time will be more limited than I'd like. 

The Woodkin - Alexander James

    Tell me that cover isn't nightmare fuel - little lone the synopsis! Holy sh*t this book is on spooky level 10. As a PNW native, the Pacific Crest Trail is something I have heard a terrifying tale of two about, but a book about it intrigues me immensely. Although a horror book that is 408 pages is daunting, that's why it is not set in stone on my TBR. 

Goodreads link here
Amazon link here

The Stranger Upstairs - Lisa M. Matlin

    Let's be honest... recently most mystery/thriller books are about a true crime podcaster or influencer. Above I already have listed a book written by a true crime podcaster (The Butcher and the Wren) and a book where the protagonist is a true crime podcaster (The Book of Cold Cases). I was trying to not add another book to the mix with this element. However, The Stranger Upstairs still caught my attention. Upon looking into the book further, I saw the slew of good reviews and figured I should give it a chance. Then I saw the release date... oops!  The influencer trope and a release date well into September are why it is not on my TBR.  

Goodreads link here
Amazon link here


    Overall I think I have a pretty well-rounded group of books here to keep my spine tingling all the way to Halloween. Do you have a book you think I need to read this spooky season? Let me know by messaging me on Goodreads or Instagram! 

❤ Les


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