Spooky Read list #1 - The Butcher & the Wren Review!

 Title - The Butcher & the Wren (The Butcher & the Wren #1) 

Author - Alaina Urquhart


spice 🌶 - 0

scare 😱 - 4

plot 📖 - 4

characters 🧍- 3

stars ⭐ - 4

She had loaded these words from her quiver and launched them from a tautly pulled bowstring with the force of a seasoned archer. They impale him even now.

YES, GIRL!! Obviously, I loved this book considering I read it in two days! There are a lot of mixed reviews for this book. I think people need to remember this is her debut novel. While it may not be the most eloquent or researched it is a decent book. This will not be a 5-star read for everyone, but the slew of 1 and 2-star reviews absolutely tearing her first work apart are uncalled for.
As a long-time Morbid podcast fangirl, I had this book on my TBR before it was even out. I knew I had to kick off my spooky read list with this one, and what an amazing decision that was!

I'm not going to lie, I had my doubts at the beginning. The first couple of chapters screamed debut novel, which is not a bad thing, especially because it, in fact, Alaina's debut novel. However, the book turned around very quickly, and by the time I was a quarter of the way through it read as if the author was very seasoned. The other part I was doubting was Jeremy's character. At first, the purely terrible human being he is (obviously) was too much for me and I wasn't sure I could do it. I pushed on and am so happy I did because the plot takes off and you are swept away too quickly to even care how overwhelming his character was in the beginning.

The twist right before part 2 really threw me for a loop, and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. It really confused me and there are two reasons why that could be.
1. it truly was a good twist.
2. bad writing.
The longer I go after reading this book the more I think it was mostly poor writing, unfortunately. That twist was about the only real issue I have with this book.

Now and then, Miss Knox, one of the librarians, would attempt conversation with him. One day, daring to ask directly if everything was okay at home, her voice trembled with concern. He hadn’t responded and instead asked her for a book about lobotomies.

The Butcher and the Wren was the most gruesome book I have read thus far. If you cannot handle graphic descriptions of death and torture, I do not recommend this book. However, if you like me and have been watching Criminal Minds since you were 16 and partake in true crime podcasts and documentaries, you'll be fine. I just wanted to throw it out there because you are not doing Alaina or yourself any favors by hating this book purely because it is too graphic.

This book is very plot-driven, and not character-focused at all. Usually, I hate those types of books and get insanely bored. However, with a plot like this one, it's pretty impossible to be bored! If you are someone like me and usually avoid plot-based books, give it a whirl. You may just be pleasantly surprised.

I am on the very edge of my seat for the second book!! :)

❤ Les

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