The Invisible Hour Review!

Title - The Invisible Hour

Author - Alice Hoffman


spice 🌶 - 2

scare 😱 - 1

plot 📖 - 3.5

characters 🧍- 3

stars ⭐ - 3

 The Invisible Hour had me in the first half! It follows Mia Jacobs through her upbringing in a cult. It is exhilarating at times and piqued my interest. The chapters are looooong throughout this whole book but especially in the first half. This would normally make it a more difficult read for me, but I still flew through it. The character growth of Mia was truly heartwarming! 
Then the second half...
While the romance between Mia and Nathaniel is hinted at in the blurb I did not think it would go to the extent that it did. It honestly cheapened the whole book that had so many endearing qualities. The first half of the book prides itself on female empowerment just to have the FMC literally disappearing just so she can be in the presence of a man. 
Hoffman also has an agenda to speak about book banning that pokes its head into the plot every so often. While I am all for fighting the powers on book banning, this felt misplaced in the book. Like Hoffman couldn't fight the urge to speak her mind on the subject, it stuck out like a sore thumb in her eloquent prose. 
It is disappointing that the quality could not carry through to the back half of the book. Part one to part two were honestly night and day making it difficult to rate. I'd give the first half a strong four stars, and the second half a light three. Average those out to a 3.5 but rounding it down to 3 as this book was hyped the h*ll up being a 2023 Goodreads Choice Nominee and I was very disappointed by it. 

❤ Les


View my review on Goodreads here.


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