Seven Summer Weekends (ARC) Review!

Title - Seven Summer Weekends

Author - Jane Rosen


spice 🌶 - 2.5

scare 😱 - 0

plot 📖 - 3

characters 🧍- 4

stars ⭐ - 3.5

It’s a tale as old as time, or since Hallmark movies started anyways. A girl is left a house by an estranged relative in some tiny town she’s never been in. She then travels to that house and well… I think you all know what happens next. 


This story is centered around Addison and the revolving door of characters that reach Addison not only about her estranged aunt but about herself. What a fantastic concept! The problem is that it feels like you are in the outside looking in during this book (which obviously you are) but good books make you feel like you are IN them. I don’t feel what the characters feel, or have a draw to Fire Island. I read the words and they slide off my back, they don’t stick in my mind to swirl about during the day. I think the main reason for this is the lack of detail. Rosen uses many descriptors, but they are all very basic. He has brown hair, she is 5’9”, and the dog is large - her writing style doesn’t draw me in for more. I don’t want to dive deeper into the book because no matter how far I read I’m left on the surface level. 

My other issue with this book is that there’s kind of multiple POVs, but also kind of not. There is no distinction between POVs you just to kind of have to realize… oh this isn’t Addison’s internal dialogue anymore and then replay what you just read in your head from another person's POV. Then one page later it switches back. Having to guess who the narrator is in a book is not a game I like to play. 

The miscommunication between Addison and Ben drove me nuts. It was so unnecessary and just made me internally scream. 


While the characters may not be overly detailed there is a fantastic assortment of characters. The house that Addison is left has a vacation rental that is rented for the next seven weekends. Some of the renters are Gicky's old friends, some are Addison's, and some are just obsessed with the author next door. The plot, as basic as it was, was great. Addison's personal growth with the help of all of the people sent into her life courtesy of her aunt made it a great read. 


~ Miscommunication 

~ Instalove to Enemies to Lovers

~ Female Friendship 

~ Grief of Spouse

❤ Les


Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review! 

View my review on Goodreads here.


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