Murder at Land's End (ARC)

Title - Murder at Land's End (A Cornwall Murder Mystery #3)

Author - Sally Rigby

Release Date - May 13, 2024


spice 🌶 - 0

scare 😱 - 1

plot 📖 - 4

characters 🧍- 4

stars ⭐ - 4

 *I have not read the first two books in A Cornwall Murder Mystery Series*

   Despite this being the third book in the series, I think it could easily be read as a standalone. I did miss some context here and there but overall it did not affect my reading experience. 
Murder at Land's End revolves around Detective Lauren Pengally and Deputy Matt Price. You also get a great insight into their team as a whole. Each person on the team has their niche, personality-wise. Rigby did a great job bringing the characters to life. I sometimes had to eye roll at the dialogue between characters. It got a little much sometimes, especially Pengally's character. It was minimal enough that the book was still a great read. 

   The plot is pretty cut and dry. There was no big twist that had my jaw on the floor, but it was very enjoyable nonetheless. While I wouldn't call Murder at Land's End a thrilling read the plot is fast-paced. The progression of the case is quick and there is no lag. I've had a busy couple of weeks and finding time to read has been a challenge, but I constantly felt the need to pick this book back up. I knew if I had even ten minutes to read the case would progress, it made it easy to prioritize. The case is wrapped up at about 85% through the book. The next 5% is them celebrating a case well done, naturally. The last 10% was disappointing. Pengalley and Price confront someone who is threatening Pengalley's family but it all feels rushed. Like Rigby forgot that element of the plot until she had all but finished the book and knew she had to wrap up that plotline so the reader isn't left hanging. It winded down the pace I had come to love throughout the rest of the book. 

   Murder at Land's End was a great read that I would recommend to mystery lovers as both a standalone or part of a series. This book is set in the UK so the verbiage and actions of the police force are quite different from what you could be used to. It also revolves around the fishing industry, if that is an interest of yours I am sure you'll love this read. 

I want to extend a big thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the advanced copy of Murder at Land's End

❤ Les

View my review on Goodreads here.


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