Root & Bone ARC Review!

Title - Root and Bone (Spencer Sisters #1)

Author - Jessica Raney


spice 🌶 - 2

scare 😱 - 1

plot 📖 - 3.5

characters 🧍- 4

stars ⭐ - 3.5

Do you like books revolving around white trash witch sisters? If you do, this book is for you! 
And that cover - how pretty! 

Root and Bone has a lot going on. It involves witches, goblins, werewolves, vampires, and ghosts. All of that was slightly too much for my liking, but the book still had some great qualities! 
- Jewel saved this book for me, her firey disposition was entertaining and I identified with her "I don't give a f*ck attitude". 
- The plot was fairly fast-paced, a lot is packed in the barely 300 pages. 
- All of the magic scenes were fairly detailed, I applaud Raney on her attention to detail! 

Unfortunately, there were some low points for me as well. 
- While this does not affect the rating because it was an ARC, there were several grammatical errors. Mostly words in sentences they didn't belong. I'm hopeful these will be fixed before the book is officially released because it creates some confusion while reading. 
- You don't really know when the book is based, mainly because you don't know how old the sisters are. Context clues are eluding to certain time periods, but we don't have any definitive answers as to the time period. 
- A lot of it was really far-fetched, even for a fantasy book. It made it difficult for me to be absorbed into the writing. 

My biggest issue with the book is I cannot tell which way the author wanted to go genre-wise. In some ways, it reads very much like a cozy fantasy. In other parts, it leans into an almost gothic novel. The man's penis is called a carrot and then the word wh*re is used four times in the span of a few pages. As soon as I wrapped my head around it being a cozy book I got hit with something that was a full 180. 

❤ Les


TW: Domestic physical abuse. Graphic depictions of murder scenes and the aftermath of sexual assault. 

View my review on Goodreads here.


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