Fourth Wing Review

Title - Fourth Wing (Empyrean #1)

Author - Rebecca Yarros


spice 🌶 - 5

scare 😱 - 2

plot 📖 - 3

characters 🧍- 4

stars ⭐ - 4

It's giving steamy, it's giving messy, it's giving DRAMAAAA! 

There's not much I can say that everyone hasn't already with this book's mass popularity. What kept me from giving a full 5-stars is that it took me wayyyy too long to get into this book. Don't get me wrong once it got good I was strapped in, but it took me nearly 300 pages to get there. Yes, worldbuilding in a fantasy novel (especially a series) takes some time in the first book, but this wasn't worldbuilding - it was straight-up slow. I would put the book down and never felt the need to pick it back up. If it wasn't for several people asking me how I was liking it I may have just left it to collect dust for a while. 

In true fantasy book fashion, the last 100 pages were wild. I balled my eyes out but persevered to the finish and had to pick my jaw off the floor. What. A. Cliffhanger. 

Fourth Wing was a good book, but is it worth the hype? I don't think it is. 

❤ Les

To the girl in SEATAC who saw me looking at this book in one of the stores and ran over to me only to tell me I needed to read it, I did! I knew if this book was worth sprinting across a packed airport, it was worth a read. :) 

View my review on Goodreads here.


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