My Valentines Day Book Pick - The Love Hypothesis Review!

 Title - The Love Hypothesis 

Author - Ali Hazelwood


spice 🌶 - 5

scare 😱 - .5

plot 📖 - 5

characters 🧍- 5

stars ⭐ - 5

Absolute predictable trash - 5 stars!

There is a fine line between cringe and swoon-worthy romance novels.

The STEM aspect of the book, primarily the women in STEM, immediately grabbed my attention. That paired with the high ratings had me PUMPED to start reading. Then, I began reading and was immediately disappointed. I was ready to chuck the book across the room and call it a day, but I kept going with the little hope I had left in my heart. Thank god I did because oooo baby that shiz turned out GREAT. This book had me wide-mouthed in shock, hitting my boyfriend who was sitting next to me saying "Oh my god, oh my god, OH MY GOD!", and fist-pumping into the air.

Did I know everything that was going to happen? Absolutely. Did it make it any less amazing when it did happen? Not in the slightest. I can appreciate that Hazelwood was very self-aware in some moments in the book. The Love Hypothesis is a dumb little romance novel and she knows it.

Count me in as an Ali Hazelwood fan, I can't wait to read more of her work!

❤ Les

View my review on Goodreads here.

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