Winter in Paradise (Paradise #1) Review!

 Title - Winter in Paradise (Paradise #1)

Author - Elin Hilderbrand


spice 🌶 - 2

scare 😱 - 0

plot 📖 - 4.5

characters 🧍- 5

stars ⭐ - 5

I am so happy I am going out of 2023 on a good note. It has been four months since I have read a solid five-star book. I could feel a reading slump coming on and Winter in Paradise pushed that right down. 

Winter in Paradise started out a little slow, I was wondering if I could get into it. Once Irene receives the news of her husband's passing the book picks up and does not slow down. While nothing "thrilling" happens in this book it is juicy and heartfelt which keeps you more than intrigued throughout. 

"Funny, we’ve been here less than a week and we know everyone else’s personal drama…"

This quote perfectly describes how the reader feels. No stones are left unturned, dirty laundry is aired, and conflict causes secrets to come out. 

It’s newly astonishing to Irene that as much as we know about the world, we still can’t see into another person’s mind or heart.

I love Irene's character! Other than the Cedar Cove series I have not read a book where the FMC is in her fifties/sixties. It may be because I'm in my mid-twenties that I don't gravitate toward books with older FMCs or maybe there isn't as much representation for those FMCs. If it is the latter that is something that should change. Irene's character is multi-dimensional and I feel like so many FMCs are in their twenties and so chaotic and indecisive (as are actual 20-year-olds). Irene made decisions quickly, acted maturely, and stood behind the choices she made. It was a breath of fresh air from so many chaotic protagonists I have read about lately. I want to find more books with older FMCs in the future. 

Even though I am calling Irene the FMC there are over five POVs throughout the book, and all of them are fantastic. I feel like nothing in the plot was left unanswered. Hilderbrand's talent for intertwining all of the POVs was truly fantastic. 

Winter in Paradise overall is a huge win and to make it even better it is part of a series! It leaves you on a cliffhanger that doesn't necessarily surprise you because of breadcrumbs left throughout the book, but it does entice you to read the next book. I already have it on hold at my local library and can't wait to continue. 

❤ Les

The book I am currently reading is 700 pages - wish me luck! To see what that book is and keep up with the progress check out my Goodreads! 

View my review on Goodreads here.

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