Morphosis Review - sorry A.J.

Title - Morphosis 

Author - A.J. Saxsma


spice ๐ŸŒถ - 0

scare ๐Ÿ˜ฑ - 1.5

plot ๐Ÿ“– - 1

characters ๐Ÿง- 1

stars ⭐ - 1

*I received a free copy of this book to review*

This book was... bad. Just so bad.

While the blurb intrigued me it pretty much said everything that happened in the book. There was almost zero character development beyond what you could read in the description. I disliked all of the characters, except for one that is fairly minor to the plot.

The writing in general is mediocre at best. The longest dialogue is maybe 5 or 6 lines, internal or otherwise. For my fans of Gilmore Girls... you know the episode where Lorelei gets to pick the free movie in the park and chooses to show Kirk's terrible short movie beforehand? This book is comparable to that short movie. Choppy and repetitive sentences that somehow have zero feeling. It's weird and out of touch.

I read this book in less than 48 hours, not because it was good, but because I knew if I stopped reading I would never want to pick it back up and I'd hit a major reading slump. I also had hoped it'd get better or there would be some crazy twist or it would bring it all together and make all the author's previous choices would make sense - didn't happen.
This is by far the most I have hated a book since I was in school and didn't have a choice in what I read. Just skip this one guys.

❤ Les

P.S. I'm pretty sure you're supposed to be nice or just not review at all when you receive a free copy of a book - but I'm not about that. 

View my review on Goodreads here.



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