Little Fires Everywhere Review

spice 🌶 - 1

scare 😱 - 1

plot 📖 - 3

characters 🧍- 2.5

stars ⭐ - 3 

    This book was good, but it wasn't GOOD. It was very predictable. I am not surprised this is a reader favorite though because it has every cliche possible. The over-strict mom with 4 kids: one snotty, a jock, a shy sweet one, and of course the rebel. Her husband is a lawyer and they live in their perfect house. Then the flip side there's the artist and her brilliant humble kid that's new to town. Of course, these "odd" (Pearl & Mia) people blow up the perfect family and it all goes up in flames, literally. Then you have a practically separate storyline between two families battling it out in court over a kid. This book tries to tackle every big issue in 350 pages and because of this, there are a lot of things that got dropped. The end felt very lackluster due to the author not being able to bring all of the issues to a close because there were so many of them. I think this book could have easily been made a series so the plot lines could have been more developed. The book is very well written I just think it was too much content to pack into such a small book and the characters needed to be more dynamic.

❤ Les

View my review on Goodreads here.


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